Help for Families Paying Tuition is Within Reach!
In the final days of this legislative session in Albany, Governor Cuomo and key legislators are leading the fight to enact the Education Tax Credit. The governor's plan, called the Parental Choice in Education Act, will help keep Catholic schools affordable. The Act provides $150 million in education tax credits annually that will provide:
· Tax credits directly to low-income families who send their children to Catholic and other schools,
· Scholarships to students from low- and middle-income families to attend a school of their choice,
· Donations to public schools for enhanced educational programming, and
· Tax credits to teachers for their out-of-pocket classroom expenses.
But we need your help! Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and some Assembly Democrats are blocking this important bill. They are blocking this bill for one simple reason: the public school teachers’ union lobbyists don't want parents to get any help with sending their children to a school of their choice.
Take a few moments to demand that your legislators enact the Education Tax Credit before they conclude their work in mid-June. Click Education Tax Credits Now or go to to send an email to your lawmakers. You’ll also be prompted to call their office – which we urge you to also do.
Thank you for doing your part in fighting for our families, kids and schools!
P.S. The opposition is doing all they can to defeat this proposal and to keep families from getting the help they need. Don’t let them win!