Cafeteria Volunteers Needed! 

Call the cafeteria at 764-0012.  Thank you!


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Cafeteria - Mrs. LaPage



Breakfast - $1.25  *  Lunch - $1.90  *  Milk - $.50

  • Free or reduced lunch papers


Free and Reduced Lunch

We participate in the Federal Lunch Program; therefore parents who meet the guidelines are eligible to apply for the program.  Information on Free and Reduced Price lunches is included in this mailing.  Please apply if you are eligible.  This greatly benefits the school if you participate. This information is kept strictly confidential:  your child does not need to know that he/she is participating. 


Click here for your Free and Reduced Lunch Application: 

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Two years ago the Trinity cafeteria began using the “Nutri-Kids” Program (Heartland Payment Systems) for lunch payments. Listed below are some helpful tips for using the “Nutri-Kids” Program.

· If you have a child attending Massena Central, you need to set up a separate account with a different email address.

· For payments made at school, the transaction can take 12-24 hours for you to view at home.

· If you choose to pay online:  At the payment window you have 2 options—on left a one time credit card payment or on right you can pay with Paypal.  You would need to login using Paypal account information, NOT, Nutri-Kids login information.

· If you want to have a low balance alert, under profile you need to set balance alert.


Ala Carte Items  

We have developed a new policy regarding charging lunches or ala carte items in the cafeteria.  Charges may not exceed $20 for the school year.  Students with charges of $20 on their accounts will not be able to receive regular menu items for lunch until their balance is paid in full.  Students who have the maximum amount charged on their account will only be served peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and milk. 




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