Welcome to Trinity Catholic School

Massena Catholic Churches

Bishop Terry R LaValley




Our Bishop - Bishop Terry LaValley


We are so lucky to have four Massena area Catholic churches and wonderful priests to run them. 

Sacred Heart Church in Massena and St. Lawrence Church in Louisville are presided over by Reverend Donald Manfred with Frs. Tojo Chacko and Joe Elliott assisting.  Reverend Mark Reilly  is pastor of St. Mary and St. Joseph Church in Massena.  Our churches are part of the Ogdensburg Diocese.

Sacred Heart Church  Fr. Don

Saint Mary's Church Fr. Mark

Father Don, Father Tojo and Father Mark celebrate Share the Wisdom/Grandparents Day Mass October 2014.

6th Grader Nathaniel Doe and JK student Cohen LaShomb pray during 

Weekly FridayMass.





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