Welcome to Trinity Catholic School

30 Club Winners

Congratulations to everyone who has won our 30 Club Raffle!  Winners are chosen every day our school is open, with the chance to win $30 each day and $100 one time each month.  AND, members have the chance to win multiple times, since there is no limit to the number of times one can win the raffle. If you haven't become a member of our 30 Club, visit our school office to buy your ticket for only $30.

2014-2015 Winners

December January  

Dan Bovay

Donald Bissonette

$100 Winner -

Michael King

Chris Matejcik

Thomas Gramuglia

Rita and Luke Saumier

James Page

Jim and Pat Donnelly

Howard Smith

Catherine Green

Dorothy Tyo

Lorraine Fenton

Rick and Mike Geiser

Kimberly Keleher

Richard Rakoce

Donald Bissonette

Denise Lanueville

Marcy Ceray

Roger Pomainville

Elaine Eggleston

Theodore Musante

$100 Winner -

Kerri Baillargeon

Christine Collins

Anita Richards

Colleen Paquette

Kathy Hart

Beulah Trippany

Pauline LaShomb

Jeannine LaPointe

Anita Geiser

Heather Gardner

Rebecca Pomainville

Sandy Cunningham

September October


Joann Dixon

Barb Martin

Art Cunningham

$100 Winner -

Lisa Premo

Mary Janikowski

Sandy Cunningham

Vincent Boyea

Paul King

Susan Macaulay

Rhonda Rodriguez

Lisa Witkop

Sandy Cunningham

Bob Scully

Sandra Zappia

Joe Gray

Tom Macaulay

Laura Tarbell

Gerald Sweet

Mary Hayes

Snow Harper-Moulton

Fae Colby

Howard Smith

Lisa Braman

Shirley Daggett

Leonard Laneuville

$100 Winner -

James Kelley

Jason Suitor

Ann Durant

Tom and Wanda Love

Peg Curtis

Pam Bogdan

Emily Frank

Pat Baxter

Phyllis LaCourse

Ann Gebeault

Steve Shoen

Kristy Baker

Jane Layo

Don Smith

Tricia Terry

$100 Winner -

Julie Eggleston

Andrew Lawrence

Josh Burleigh

Laura Tarbell

Chrissy LaShomb

Gert Jurkovich

Lloyd Seguin

Bertha Mott

Jan and Keith Mast

Debra Tyo

John King

Joan Rufa

Mary Ann Seguin

Mary Janikowski

Marie LaVean

Daniel Case



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