REPORT CARDS: The Diocese of Ogdensburg has a reporting system to provide clear data about students’ progress with content and skills. The diocesan report card not only informs parents of their child’s overall performance, it also updates parents about specific strengths and weaknesses in each subject area. Report cards are distributed quarterly – November, January, April, and June.
GRADING POLICY: Performance demonstrated on tests, quizzes, homework, class work, class participation, and interdisciplinary projects will contribute to students’ final grades and proficiency levels.
- Pre-K: Progress reports are distributed in January and June. Parent conferences are held in January.
- Junior Kindergarten & Kindergarten: Performance will be reported using only proficiency levels for each performance standard listed on the report card.
- Grades 1-6: Students in grades 1 & 2 will receive letter grades in each Core subject along with proficiency levels on performance standards. Performance in science and social studies will not be measured until the 2nd marking period. Students in grades 3-6 will receive numerical grades along with proficiency levels for each performance standard. Report card averages will be calculated based on test, quizzes, homework, class work, participation and projects at the teacher’s discretion.
- Music, Art, Physical Education: Pre-K, Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten students will not receive grades in these areas. Students in grades 1 & 2 will only receive proficiency levels for each performance standard. Students in grades 3-6 will receive numerical grades along with proficiency levels for each performance standard. Proficiency levels will be reported each marking period along with numerical grades.
- Incomplete Work: In grades K-3, patterns of incomplete work will be addressed individually with parents. Together teachers and parents will develop strategies to assist students with completing work in a timely manner. In grades 4-6, incomplete work must be made up by the next class. If it is repeatedly not completed on time, parents, teacher, student and the principal will decide on a plan to help student complete work in a timely fashion. Students in grades 4-6 who do not complete a long-term project must complete an alternative assessment in order to demonstrate level of proficiency. This assessment will be administered at the convenience of the teacher.
- Minimum Passing Average: The minimum passing grade in all subjects for grades 1 and 2 is a letter grade D. The minimum passing grade for all subjects in grades 3-6 is 70%.
- Academic Probation: A student whose academic performance indicates serious deficiencies may be placed in academic probation. Academic probation is for students who can learn, but who choose not to learn. Students on academic probation will be placed on a two week improvement plan. At the end of the two week period, the student’s academic progress will be assessed. Students whose average is an F will not be allowed to participate in any sports or academic competition until the grade has improved to a passing grade of D (70% or higher).
- Criteria for Promotion: Students must demonstrate social and emotional skills developmentally appropriate for their age. Students in primary grades must achieve passing grades in each subject area. Students in grades 3-6 must achieve an overall average of 70% and passing averages in math and ELA. Parents must sign a waiver if a student is recommended for retention and transferred to the next grade at their request.