Our Christian Faith

Our Christian faith is an integral part of student and teacher life at Trinity Catholic School.  Everywhere you look in Trinity Catholic School's halls, you will see reminders that it is indeed a Catholic, Christian school -  whether it is a picture or statue of Jesus, a student's depiction of Noah's Ark, or a list of virtues on the cafeteria wall.  It can also be heard in the daily Opening and Closing prayers, the Monday Morning Prayer services,  the monthly Masses (weekly during Advent and Lent), the prayers before snack and lunch, and in the intercessory prayers offered for those whom students are concerned about, whether a sick dog or a dying grandparent.

Religion is part of Trinity's curriculum beginning in Pre-K, but it is also taught in the everyday way that students and teachers treat each other with respect and Christian love.  Students learn generosity by serving - by raising money to help children in other countries who are in need, by helping to fill local food pantries, by praying for and sending cards to those who are suffering, by visiting and bringing cheer to the lonely who are homebound or in nursing homes, and by praying the Rosary for those active in the military and those who have already served, to name a few.

Students learn to live virtuous lives as the whole school strives to learn and apply five different virtues every year. These "Disciples in Action" who display these virtues at school are recognized each Monday at the weekly prayer service.

Trinity teachers, themselves, join together once every week for Faculty Prayer, which brings renewal and focus for the week.

Students are prepared for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion at Trinity in conjunction with their individual parishes, which may have them participate in extra training before reception of the Sacraments.

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