Frequently Asked Questions

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Q.  Do families have to be Catholic to send their children to Trinity Catholic School?
  Being Catholic is not a requirement to enroll a student at Trinity Catholic School.  Our school has several students who are not Catholic.  Because the mission of our school is to integrate the Catholic faith in all aspects of life; religion is taught daily and is a required subject for all students.  All students participate in Prayer Services and school liturgies that are celebrated weekly and monthly.

 Q. Is financial assistance for tuition available at Trinity Catholic?

A. All families may apply for financial assistance toward tuition.  Trinity Catholic School exerts every effort to make Catholic education accessible and affordable for every family.  Last year close to $53,000 in scholarships were awarded to students enrolled at Trinity Catholic School.  Families who wish to apply for scholarships may receive applications through the school office.  Scholarship awards are based upon each family’s financial need and ability to pay. 


Q.  What is the average class size at Trinity Catholic School?

A. The average class size at Trinity Catholic is 17 students per class in grades K-6.  The maximum number of students for our Pre-K is 15 students, the maximum number for Jr. K is 10 students, and the maximum number for Kindergarten is 18 students.


Q. Do students at Trinity Catholic School receive any special services?

A. Speech and Occupational Therapy services are provided for students who go before the CSE committee and qualify as being in need of services.  These special services are provided at Trinity Catholic by qualified personnel from the Massena Central School district.


Q. Are teachers at Trinity Catholic School required to have a New York State Teaching License?

A. All teachers at Trinity Catholic have certification in Education and 98% of our teachers have Master’s Degrees.  The Trinity faculty is highly professional and qualified.  They participate in professional development on a regular basis to ensure their level of instruction is current, appropriate, and connected to New York standards.


Q. What documents are required to register a child at Trinity Catholic School?

A. Documents that are required for registration are: copy of a birth certificate, copy of a Baptismal certificate (if children have been baptized) and copies of immunization records.  We do have a couple of families enrolled at Trinity who are religiously exempt from vaccination.  In order to be exempt you must write a letter stating the Church you belong to and the belief tenets that you are following as a member of that Church.

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