The Catholic Churches of Massena – now, St. Peter’s Parish – consists of Sacred Heart Church, St. Lawrence Church in Louisville, and St. Mary and St. Joseph Church. The Parish is presided over by Reverend Mark Reilly with the assistance of Father Leagon Carlin, along with Deacon Tom Proulx and Deacon Randy Besio. Our churches are part of the Ogdensburg of Diocese.
Parents are the primary educators and witnesses of the faith for their families. Parents/Sponsors of First Communion or Confirmation Students will have Faith Formation sessions to enable them to specifically prepare their children for the reception of these sacraments of initiation. Regular Sunday Mass attendance is part of this preparation.
Trinity’s second graders will be preparing for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion. Reception of the sacrament will require parents and child to attend Super Sunday faith formation sessions on several Sunday mornings during the year, in addition to the education they receive at TCS.
Click here to visit the Faith Formation area of the St. Peter’s Parish website. There you will find a registration form (one per family), calendar and the Sacramental Policy for First Communion and Confirmation.
Please sign up, so that local Director of Evangelization and Christian Formation, John Schneider, can put your names and addresses in the Flocknote application and keep you informed. Please feel free to call the parish office at 315-769-2469 or email John with any questions at
Our Bishop – Bishop Terry LaValley |
Sacred Heart Church |
Saint Mary’s Church | St. Lawrence Church |
Father Leagon Carlin |