Summer is over and school days are here!
I say, “Yahoo!” We are ready and we have missed you!!
It has been extremely busy at school these past couple months! There have been many, many changes! Changes in faculty, changes in classroom placements, grade level changes and changes in our student roster. There has been lots of painting, cleaning, and repairing. The floors were stripped and waxed – then waxed again!! SMART boards have been hung and rehung along with dry erase boards, and projectors. All this has been done and now we are ready to open the doors and welcome our families, friends and especially our students!
One thing has not changed and that’s what makes Trinity Catholic so special. Infused into every lesson, students will continue to gain an understanding of and an appreciation for Christian values and the richness of our Catholic faith. It is for this reason, Trinity Catholic School is special, sacredly special.
In a world where nothing seems to be sacred, students here learn that every living thing is sacred. They learn to respect all life, from a small seed that can become a huge pumpkin, to people who may be different from them, speak another language or come from another country. They also learn that this respect should also be extended to the person sitting next to them or living at home with them! They will learn to have respect and indeed a reverence for sacred spaces, like the chapel on the third floor, or the church where we go to Mass and the prayer corners or spaces that are a part of every classroom. They will know that Trinity, their school, is a sacred space. A space where they are safe, educated, fed, prayed for and nurtured. Children at Trinity learn about God.
It is my humble privilege to serve you, your children, the faculty and staff. I truly feel blessed to be here, and I am grateful for the faith in God that you have demonstrated by placing your child/ren here for either the very first time or for keeping them here despite what others might have to say. This is the start of a new year. A year to grow in mind, body and soul.
So… open the doors and let the school year begin!
~Mrs. Jadlos