Dining Hall Info

  Dining Hall Manager: Brenda Bucthino    315-764-0012     

When asked one thing students will miss when leaving TCS, our alumni ALWAYS list our school lunches! We think your children will agree.

Our cafeteria staff is committed to serving delicious and nutritious lunches at an affordable cost.  We participate in the Federal School Lunch Program and the Free and Reduced Price Lunch Program.  It is important that the yearly application be filled out. Applications for this program are given to each family before the start of the school year and are also available in the school office throughout the year. Lunch menus are posted on our website at the beginning of each month. Students who bring their lunch should bring nutritious lunches from home.  Students should not have “fast food” lunches delivered to them.  Beverages may only be: water, milk, or juice. Soda is NOT allowed.

Free and Reduced Lunch Application Instruction and fact sheet
• Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Or you can call the school and request it be sent home.

We use MySchoolBucks for prepaid meal accounts. You can download the app for a smart phone (Apple or Android) or use their website to create an account: https://login.myschoolbucks.com/users/register/getsignup.action?login_hint=&clientID=schoolbucks
Click this link for instructions: https://trinitycatholicschool.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/msb_parents_user_guide.pdf
The kitchen manager will have the student ID number if you’re a new user of this program. Please call the number above to request it.

Monthly menus are placed on our website and posted on our Facebook page. You can request a printed menu be sent home monthly by calling the school.