Before and After Care

Trinity Catholic School is happy to provide before school and after school care for your child.

Trinity is excited to offer FREE Before and After Care this year!

That’s right, no weekly bills. We do ask that each family pay a one-time registration fee of $25. That’s it! An invoice for this will be given to you the first time your child goes to Before or After care. 

The first day Before and After Care will be available this year is on Monday, September 11th.

Before Care runs from 7am-8:15am (with free breakfast if your child would like it.)

After Care runs from 3:05pm-5:30pm.

Before and After Care will be held in the school’s dining hall. Please walk your child in to sign them in, using the cafeteria doors. Use the same procedure for coming in to sign your child out in the afternoon.

If you’re interested in enrolling your child(ren) in the program, please print the form below, fill it out, and send it to the office. This can be done anytime during the school year.

You can also request a form be sent home from the office.

Click here for the Before and After Care Form